Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When your'e a PR

Chapter 1-Understanding the Twenty-First Century

This is actually chapter 1 and which i was suppose to blog about 39725 million years ago, but couldn't because i had no book then XD Well im going to catch up now and i think most of what i blog about will be relatively the basic about public relations and its connection to the 21st century.

So in order to understand the true essence of what public relations is we need to understand its origins and in particularly these two subjects: publics and stakeholders. According to the book," public is a group of people who share a common interests or values in particular situation- especially interests and values that might be willing to act upon". When a public has relationship with the organization, the public is called stakeholder, meaning that it has a stake in your organization or an issue potentially involving your organization."

There various roles a public relations person plays in an organization. Some of these roles include, internal communication management. This means public relations people are in charge of managing organizational blogs, websites and bulletins as well as, working with HR and management and being informed in all aspects of an organization. They are also the key people to develop media relations and are the ones to provide company media to the public.

Another component of their job is external networking and multifaceted communication, relationship building. PRs are generally in charge of website and blogs and in this charge they must provide communication and information. PRs also are the ones who will go out and meet community leaders and stakeholders when celebrating organization success or community functions. They also have to promote corporate social responsibility with partnerships and other organizations and also promote and find publicity for the organization.

An important component is also issues/crisis management, reputation and brand management. This is a very important job for PRs because they have to constantly monitor the public and observe the issues and see whether any of it can impact the organization. Moreover, PRs are the leading people when a crisis hits an organization. They will have to quickly think of a way that will do less damage to the company reputation.

Research is also another component for public relations. As one of the blogs i wrote on research, it it an important aspect for PRs. PRs need to conduct research before initiating campaigns and events. It is utterly important because the amount of precise research done will determine whether the campaign or event is successful.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Irene, to think that a PR practitioner has to take up so many roles in a organization itself.

    Maintaining on good terms with your stakeholders, audience and target market all at the same time achieving your organization's goals.
    It is a whole lot of things for a PR person to do.
